The Westmount Lynx are members of the Fédération de crosse du Québec (Minor Lacrosse Federation of Quebec). The Federation is doing a great job in helping to grow the sport, educate players and parents, and do so in a safe and healthy manner. Recently, the Federation developed a guide for sanctions to ensure the security of the players, coaches, referees, and spectators. See the link below and the letter from Pierre Filion (head of the organization) explaining its efforts. Great work, Pierre!
A Note from Pierre Filion, Federation of Quebec Crosse
Hello to all of you
I am sending you an attachment , the new guide for sanctions
associations and leagues affiliated Minor Lacrosse Federation
Lacrosse Quebec .
This guide was developed in consultation with Hockey Quebec Branch
Security MELS , the insurer of the Federation and officials NCCP
and PNCO of our Federation.
It was unanimously approved by the Board of Directors
Federation on May 6 and is effective immediately .
As you know the action plan 2014-18 of the Federation draws the
mission of the Federation ( ” govern and develop the sport of lacrosse
Quebec to offer all participants educational experiences and
quality sports ”) and specifies the actions to be taken to ensure
security and integrity of all participants.
Guide sanction attached below sends a clear message to the community
sports (especially parents of minor lacrosse players ) in which
related to the explicit will of the Federation of work to ensure the
safety of participants by eliminating gestures and authors
unacceptable behavior in our sport.
Ensuring the safety of participants and expelling authors
unacceptable behavior in our minor lacrosse guide aims sanctions
to develop:
– The rules of the game
– Respect for opponents
– Compliance with official
I invite you to put this guide under your leagues and
minor lacrosse associations but mostly I ask you to spread
and promote them to contribute positively to the achievement of
our mission and our goals.
We , together, in recent years , taken steps
significant in the field of the safety of our participants and our
current growth is the result ; stay the course and send a
clear message about our collective desire to offer all
participants, lacrosse, and educational quality sport experiences .
Good season minor lacrosse .
Pierre Filion
Federation of Quebec Crosse